1. Offer
The offer from Futuris Consulting ltd. (hereinafter: the Agency) to act as an intermediator and real estate agent
is based on information received via written, verbal or electronic means, and is bound by confirmation
issued by the Agency and an Intermediation Agreement. The Agency is obligated to conduct the intermediation,
and other jobs connected to the subject of the intermediation, with great care and in accordance with all
the rules and customs of the trade (the care of a good expert). We retain the possibility that there might
be some misunderstanding, mistake, previous sale, or for the owner of the real estate to retract their
offer. The Agency is liable for the inaccurate information only in the case of intentional or extremely
negligent behaviour on the side of the Agency. Offers and information must be kept in the strictest
confidence, and can only be given to a third party after the client receives written approval from the
2. Duties and Obligations of the Agency
- close the intermediation agreement with the client (Standard or Exclusive [the name of the agreement
shown in Section 2. Price list]);
- try and come in contact with a third party and establish contact between them and the client in order to
conclude the intermediation deal;
- assess the market value of the real estate and inform the client of the average market price of similar
real estate;
- warn the client of any possible inadequacies with the real estate, and of the market situation;
- obtain and inspect all the necessary documents proving the legal ownership of the real estate or any
other rights related to the real estate;
- inform the client about all legal, tax and other obligations that apply to them and that are concerned
with the legal dealings with the real estate from the contract;
- conduct all the necessary work in order to present the real estate on the market, advertising of the
real estate in question in an appropriate manner, and conduct all other work agreed in the
intermediation contract that are not a part of a standard presentation;
- ensure the inspection of the real estate (organisation and tour);
- safeguard the client's personal information, and in accordance with a written instruction from the
client, safeguard as a business secret all information about the real estate in question or connected to
the real estate or the intermediation business;
- inform the client of all the known circumstances pertaining to the agreed intermediation deal that the
Agency is aware of or should be aware of;
- mediate in the negotiations and work toward the conclusion of the legal dealings;
- check if the intended purpose of the plot which is the part of the contract conforms to the regulations
for the regional planning for that plot;
- attend the closing of the legal dealings (pre-contract or contract);
- on behalf of the client, file all the necessary documentation with the appropriate local tax office and
land registry of the appropriate municipal court.
It is considered that the Agency has enabled the client to come into contact with the third party (private or a
legal entity) with whom they have negotiated the closing of the legal dealings, and especially if they have:
- directly introduced or referred the third party to the client to view the real estate;
- organised a meeting between the client and the third party in order to negotiate the closing of the
legal dealing;
- provided the client with the name, address, telephone number, fax number, and/or email address of the
third party who is authorised to close the legal dealings, or have provided them with the accurate
address of the real estate.
3. Duties and Obligations of the Client
- close the intermediation agreement with the Agency (Standard or Exclusive);
- - inform the Agency of all the conditions pertinent to the conduct of business and to provide them with
accurate information of the real estate; to present the Agency with the location and building permit/s
if they possess them, and a certificate of occupancy for the real estate referred to in the contract; to
present the intermediator with proof of the fulfillment of all the commitments towards the third party;
- present the Agency with all the documentation that proves their ownership over the real estate, or any
other legal right over the real estate that is the subject of the intermediation deal, and warn the
intermediator of any official or unofficial claims on the real estate;
- inform the Agency of all the important information on the real estate in question, this refers
especially to the description and the price of the real estate;
- ensure the Agency and the party interested in the closing of the intermediation deal are provided with a
tour of the real estate, accompanied by the Agency;
- immediately upon the closing of the intermediation deal, or the pre-contract that obliges them to close
the intermediated legal dealings, if the Agency and the client have agreed the payment of the
intermediation fee upon the signing of the pre-contract, to pay the Agency the previously agreed upon
fee (unless it was agreed otherwise);
- reimburse the Agency for all the costs created during the intermediation that exceed the usual
intermediation costs (if it was explicitly agreed so);
- inform the Agency in writing of any changes concerning the intermediation dealings the Agency was
charged with, and especially any changes pertaining to the ownership of the real estate.
The client is responsible for all damages, if they have acted in bad faith,or if they have concealed or given
incorrect information crucial to the conduct of the intermediation in order to close the legal dealings. The
client is responsible for all damages in the case of intentional or extremely negligent behaviour on their side,
towards the Agency or third party who was sent by the Agency.
The client is not required to enter into negotiations for the closing of the intermediation with the third party
presented to them by the Agency, nor are they required to close the legal dealings.
In all the cases stated above, the client, if they have acted in bad faith, is responsible for the damages and
is obligated to reimburse the Agency for all the costs created during the intermediation which cannot be smaller
than 1/3 and which cannot exceed the agreed intermediation fee for the intermediation deal.
4. Achieving the right to the Intermediation fee
The Agency acquires the right for the intermediation fee in its entirety upon the closing of the pre-contract by
which the client agrees to close the intermediated legal dealings, or upon the closing of the contract if this
was agreed upon. The fee is paid to the Agency at the time of, or immediately after, the closing of the legal
dealings intermediated by the Agency.
If the client decides to withdraw during the closing of the intermediation deal, they are obliged to pay the
costs of the time spent, advertising, and other expenses.
The client is obliged to pay the Agency the intermediation fee even when they close a deal with a third party
presented to them by the Agency and which differs from the deal the Agency was engaged in intermediating, and
which is of the same value as the initial legal dealing, or that has the same purpose as the initial
intermediated legal dealing
The Agency has the right to receive the intermediation fee if a third party connected with the client (for
example a spouse, legal partner, descendant, parent, CEO or the owner of a company) closes the intermediated
legal dealing with the third party presented to them by the Agency.If within 12 months from the termination of
the intermediation contract the client closes a legal dealing which is as a result of the Agency’s
intermediation prior to the termination of the contract, the client is obligated to pay the Agency the
intermediation fee in its entirety, unless otherwise agreed.
5. Intermediation fee
The amount of the intermediation fee is agreed upon in the intermediation real estate sale contract.
The intermediation fee includes all the usual intermediation costs (connecting the client with the third party,
the examination of the condition of the real estate, necessary negotiations, and preparation works for the
closing of the legal dealing), except those agreed upon separately.
The intermediation fee also covers the following expenses: drawing up of legal documents (pre-contract/contract,
and proposals for the registration), costs of the public notary seal (no solemnization), and judicial costs of
the registration. The Agency charges for the drawing up of legal documents to the amount of 10% (ten percent) of
the agreed upon intermediation fee (commission), and this prior to the client's issue of a legal document order.
If the Agency, in accordance,with the client, conducts for them other works connected to the intermediation
works, the type and the cost of these works will be agreed upon in the intermediation contract.
6. Termination of the agreement
The intermediation contract is signed for a defined time and it is terminated after the time span for which it
was signed if prior to that date the intermediation deal was not completed, or it can be terminated prior to
that date only by written termination by any of the parties of the contract, unless otherwise stated in the
intermediation contract. If the termination time was not explicitly stated in the intermediation contract, the
termination time is 8 days from the receipt of the termination notice. If the intermediation contract is
terminated through a termination notice, the client is obligated to reimburse the Agency for the costs
7. General terms and resolution of disputes
For all dealings between the client and the Agency that come out of this intermediation contract and which are
not explicitly regulated in the General Terms and Conditions of this agreement nor in the intermediation
agreement, general terms of intermediation agreements and other stipulations of the Obligatory Relations Law and
the Real Estate Mediation Law apply.
All possible disputes are to be settled before the competent municipal court in Dubrovnik.
Dubrovnik, 01. February 2017
General manager: Milena Burazor